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Continuing Education and Seminars


Spinal Trauma Certification 120 Hours 
Dr. Orwick is one of 15 doctors that were awarded the Chiropractic Certification in Spinal Trauma in 2005. This highly acclaimed certification program featured internationally recognized chiropractic spinal trauma expert Dr. Dan Murphy. 

- Trauma Neurology and Chiropractic (January 15-16, 2005) with Dan Murphy, D.C. 
- Principles of Soft Tissue Injury & Repair (February 26-27, 2005) with Dan Murphy, D.C. 
- Understanding Mechanisms of Vehicular Accident Injury (March 12-13, 2005) with Charles Davis, D.C 
- Accident Imaging: X-Ray, MRI, CT, VF, & Analysis (April 16-17, 2005) with James Carter, B.S, D.C, D.A.C, B.R, 
- General Clinical Trauma Management (May 14-15, 2005) with Dan Murphy, D.C. 
- Record keeping, Patient Examinations, & Documentation (June 11-12, 2005) with John Maltby, D.C 
- Diagnosis, Treatment, Rehabilitation: Practical Clinical Case Management Part 1 (July 30, 2005) with Dan Murphy, D.C. 
- Diagnosis, Treatment, Rehabilitation: Practical Clinical Case Management Part 2 (August 27-28, 2005) with Dan Murphy, D.C. 
- Chiropractic Jurisprudence (September 24-25, 2005) with Charles Davis, D.C. and Travis Black, Attorney 

Dr. Murphy, a nationally recognized speaker, is highly respected for his ability to bring complex anatomical and physiological factors into perspective with clinical research as a resource for practical decisions in case management. The ten module certification program (120 CEU’s) is known for its groundbreaking research updates and practical clinical applications. 

Whiplash and Brain Traumatology Certification

Dr. Orwick completed the Spine Research Institute of San Diego’s (SRISD) 50 hour Whiplash and Brain Traumatology Certification Program in 2006. The first and only multi-module training program devoted to the subjects of whiplash and brain injury traumatology. 

Dr. Arthur C. Croft, the director of the Spine Research Institute, is one of the world’s leading scientists in this field and has devoted over 22 years to research and teaching. Widely considered a leading authority in the field, Dr. Croft, DC, MSc, MPH, FACO, has published over 300 professional papers and co-authored “Whiplash Injuries: the Cervical Acceleration/Deceleration Syndrome” and was the first chiropractic physician to conduct full scale human volunteer crash testing. 

- Whiplash and Brain Injury Traumatology, Module I - Advanced Topics: The Fundamental Science, (February 25-26, 2006); 12.5 hrs. In depth review of our current state of knowledge of the whiplash phenomenon, including all factors affecting injury risk and outcome. In-depth biomechanics, traumatology, epidemiology, review of outcome studies, and common sequelae of whiplash, including brain injuries, pain syndromes, thoracic outlet syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, and chronic pain disorders. Risk Analysis I. 
- Whiplash and Brain Injury Traumatology, Module 2 – Management Principles in Personal Injury and Forensic Documentation, (June 24-25, 2006); 12.5 hrs. Critical history taking and physical examination skills. Radiographic and advanced imaging, including CT, MRI, scintigraphy, PET, SPECT and others. Electrodiagnostic testing and their applications in whiplash. Therapuetic approaches to successful management of whiplash and mild traumatic brain injuries. Risk Analysis II.
- Whiplash and Brain Injury Traumatology, Module 3 – Principles of Impairment Rating and Forensic Documentation, (August 5-6, 2006); 12.5 hrs. Comprehensive and compelling narrative report construction. Learn how to avoid pitfalls and use the latest cutting edge techniques and rebuttal strategies. How Insurance Companies Really Handle Claims, presented by guest speaker Aaron De Shaw D.C., J.D. author: “What Every Physician Needs to Know about Colossus” and “What Every Lawyer Needs to Know about Colossus.”
- Whiplash and Brain Injury Traumatology, Module 4 – Medicolegal Fundamentals for Practitioners and Forensic Experts, (Sept 30-Oct 1, 2006);12.5 hrs. Foundations for successful outcome in medicolegal cases. Preparing for depositions, arbitration, and court. Use of demonstrative evidence. Learn to avoid pitfalls, take advantage of your opponent’s weaknesses, and gain total confidence in all medicolegal proceedings. 

Dr. Orwick also attended the CRASH 2006 Whiplash Conference and Live Crash Test Study, and completed the Advanced Certification of Competency Program, certifying her in Motor Vehicle Forensic Risk Analysis.  

Presentations included: 
- The 11th annual SRISD Scientific Conference - a review of 2006’s pertinent MVC literature with Dr. Art Croft, DC, MSc, MPH, FACO
- Overview of Proposed Neck Injury Criteria - John De Rosia MS, PE. A biomechanist who is currently getting a PHD in Biomedical Engineering. 
- The Walking Wounded – Landmines to Watch Out For - Joseph Ramas, MD, Senior Clinical Instructor Dept. of Surgery, University of Colorado Health Science Center. 
- Whiplash – How to Challenge the Literature - James P. Zurawski, J.D. (20+ yrs. PI trial lawyer). 
- Pedestrian Impact Analysis – Jerry Eubanks author of “Pedestrian Accident Reconstruction and Litigation”. 
- Myofacial Pain – Joseph Slattery III President Medical Staff in Palm Bay Community Hospital 
- New Methods in Forensic Crash Analysis – Dr. Arthur C. Croft D.C., M.Sc.,M.P.H, FACO 
- Possible Pitfalls in Your Case – Alex Gilman, J.D. (30 yrs. PI trial attorney). 

The conference was conducted at the Spinal Research Institute of San Diego, an exclusive facility where actual tests and observation of Human Subject Crash Testing is conducted with head mounted accelerometer data analysis. Observation includes 12-15 crashes at 5 mph in real time and slow motion showing measurable impacts of 7-10 G’s of force on the subject’s neck with no discernible damage to the vehicle.

Kinesio Taping Certification 
- Fundamental Kinesio Taping (KT1 and KT2) February 20-21, 2010 16 hours with instructor Amy Stahl, MS, PT, CKTI 
- Advanced Kinesio Taping (KT3) April 10, 2010 8 hours with instructor Amy Stahl, MS, PT, CKTI 

Seminars (1996 - 2000), Dallas
- Sacro-Occipital Technique-Sacral Occipital Research Society, Omaha, Nebraska
- Myofascia/Biophysics/Neurology Symposium--Dr. Jeff Rockwell 
- Gonstead Technique--Dr Cox, Gonstead Clinic 
- Neurological Lumbar Coupling Technique--Dr. Marty Hall 
- Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Seminar--Dr. Jeff Rockwell 
- Basic Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique--Dr. Ted Morter, Healthsystems Parker System of Professional Service 
- Orthobionomy Technique--Dr. Allen Saxon 
- Polarity Energy Balancing Technique—Dr. Marty Kranzburg

Seminars Since 2000 
- Therapy Alternatives of Naturopathic Education 300Hrs. (March 10. 2000) with Brazos Menshew, N.D (Certified by: American Naturopathic medical Certification and Accreditation Board) 
- Improving Intercellular Communication in Managing Chronic Illness(November 12, 13, 1999) 12 Hrs. with Jeffrey S. Bland ,PH.D 
- Functional Medicine 2000 Workshop (March 11-12, 2000) 8.5 Hrs. with Jeff S. Bland, PH.D 
- The Nutritional Management of Perimenopause/Menopause (April 27, 2000) 7 Hrs. Joseph J. Collins,N.D 
- Clinical Nutrition and Diversified Technique (December 2, 2000) 12 Hrs. 
- Breakthroughs in Managing Chronic Pain & Fibromyalgia (December 7, 2000) 6.5 Hrs. Kristi Hawkes, N.D 
- New Approaches to Anti-Aging Nutritional Neuroendocrinology (March 18, 2001) 12 Hrs. with Jeffrey S. Bland, PH.D 
- Achieving Mental Fitness: Protecting and Healing the Injured Brain(October 20, 2001) 6.0Hrs.with Robert Rountree, M.DNutritional 
- Endocrinology Breakthrough Approaches for Improving Adrenal & Thyroid Function (February15,2002) 12 Hrs. with Jeffrey S. Bland, PH.D 
- Modern Herbal Formulas (March 20, 2002) with Stephen M. Paul, PH.D 
- Nutritional Approaches to Stress-Induced Disorders New Strategies for Improving Adrenal & Thyroid Function (February 16, 2002) 7.5 Hrs. with Robert A. Rakowski, D.C 
- Improving Health Outcomes through Nutritional Support for Metabolic Biotransformation (April 5, 2003) 5.5 Hrs. with Jeffrey S. Bland, PH.D 
- Metabolic Biotransformation and the Complex Patient (April 6, 2003) 7.5 Hrs. with Robert A. Rakowski, D.C 
- Understanding the Clinical Applications of Improved Metabolic Biotransformation (April 6, 2003) 7.5 Hrs. with Robert A. Rakowski, D.C 
- Clinical Applications or Immuno-Endocrine Therapeutics (November 8, 2003) 6 Hrs. with Joseph J. Collins, N.D 
- Total Wellness Care, Erchonia cold laser, detox foot baths, percussor, adjusting tool (March 18-20, 2004) 20 Hrs. with John Brimhall, D.C Erchonia cold laser, introductory applied neurology (April 22, 2004) 12 Hrs. with Rick Amy, D.C, and Dan Murphy, D.C 
- Erchonia cold laser, winning protocols used during the Tour De France(September 25-26, 2004) 12 Hrs. with Jeff Spencer (Lance Armstrong’s Chiropractor) and James Oschman, P.H.D, author of “Energy Medicine” 
- Erchonia cold laser, advanced applied neurology (October 1-3, 2004) 18 Hrs. with Rick Amy, D.C., and Dan Murphy, D.C 
- How to Clone Holistic Health Care Practice (November 19-21, 2004) 20 Hrs. with John Brimhall, D.C. Intermediate 10 step protocol to wellness care. 
- Erchonia cold laser, Advanced Applied Neurology ( April 30- May 1, 2005) 18 Hrs. with Rick Amy, D.C. and Dan Murphy, D.C 
- Integrative Weekend (October 29-30, 2005) with Dan Murphy, D.C 
- Men’s and Women’s Health: Nutritional Strategies for Managing Common Challenges In Ages 25-50 (September 11, 2005) 5.5 Hrs. with Kristi Hughes, N.D 
- 6 Interferences to Optimal Health- Advanced (November 4-6, 2005) 20 Hrs. with Brett Brimhall, D.C and John Brimhall, D.C 
- Advanced Nutritional Strategies for Autoimmune Diseases (February 17. 2006) 8 hours with Dr. Jeffery Bland.
- The Neurobiology of Mood & Cognitive Disorders (September 2006) 6.5 hours, with Jay Lombard, DO 
- Managing the Multiple Causes of Chronic Inflammation (November 2006) 6.5 hours with Jacob Kornberg, MD 
- The Top 20 Nutritional Strategies Every Health Care Provider Needs to Know (March 2007) 6 hours with Metagenics. 
- An Educational Experience in Low Level Laser Technology (October 13-14, 2007), 12 hours with Daniel Murphy, D.C., D.A.B.C.O. and Jerome Rerucha, D.C., Former Power Lifting Champion. 
- The Emerging Therapeutic Treatment: Improving Therapeutic Outcomes(February 24, 2008) 6 hours with Dr. Jeffrey Bland, PHD. 
- First Line Therapy Certification Program (June 5-8, 2008) 24 hours with Kristi Hughes, ND; Lyra Heller, MA, LFT & Integrative Medicine Consultant; Christoper Katke, FLT Lifestyle Educator; Mike Katke, Vice President of Medical Marketing, Metagenics 
- Nutritional Neurology: Cutting Edge Science on Nutrition and Chiropractic(September 27-28, 2008) 12 hours with Dan Murphy D.C., DABCO. 
- Nutrigenomic Therapies for AutoImmune Disease (October 11, 2009) 6 hours with Dr Thomas O’Bryan DC, CCN, DACBN 
- Anti-Aging Medicine: New Science Protocals and Patient Assessment Strategies (June 5, 2010) 8 hours with Robert Rakowski, DC, CCN, DACBN, DIBAK 
- Initial Personal Injury Patient Histories and Record Keeping (March 6, 2010) 8 hours through American Institute of Personal Injury Physicians with Scott Tauber, DC, DACO, CPC and Sheldon Tauber, DC, CCSP, DIAMA 
- Physical Examination, Treatment Plans, and Outcome Assessments (May 22, 2010) 8 hours through Metagenics with Scott Tauber, DC, DACO, CPC and Sheldon Tauber, DC, CCSP, DIAMA 
- Genetic Links to Poor Detox (6 hrs.) - Dr. Jeff Bland and Dr. Briggs
- Cholesterol-Statin Connection webinar by Dan Murphy and Ben Markham with Nutri-West.
- Management of Common Clinical Syndromes (August 4-5, 2012) 12 hours - Daniel Murphy, DC, DABCO. Topics include: Toxins, Laser Physiology, Chronic Low Back Pain, Cervical Trauma, Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology, UE Myotomes, LE Myotomes, Brain Injury, Nutritional Inflammation Management.
- Taking the "Chronic" out of Illness (September 28-30, 2012) 12 hours - Speakers: Jeffrey Bland, Mark Hyman, John Gray, Jay Lombard, Kelly Austin, Joel Evans, Susan Blum, Wendy Warner, Kristi Hughes, Lise Alschuler, Robert Rakowski, Bridget Briggs, Deanna Minich, Joseph Lamb.  Topics include: Diabesity, Obesity, Women's Hormonal Health and Wellness, Performance Nutrition, Functional Cardiology, Food Sensitivities, Mood and Memory Issues, Stress and the Immune System, and Altering the Epigenetics of Cancer
- Brain Injury & Neurodegeneration (September 21-22, 2013) 12 hours - Daniel Murphy, DC, DABCO. Topics include:  Athletic Injuries, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and more. 
- New Research, New Solutions (The science of the gut microbiome and innovative muscle testing systems.) (January 17-19, 2014) 24 hours - J. Dunn, BS, DC, CKP; Richard Belli, DC, DACNB; Gregg Friedman, DC, CCSP, FIACA; Lynnn Toohey, PhD; Dan Murphy, DC, CDABCO; Brandon Lundell DC, DABCI, DIPL. Ac; Don Bellgrau, PhD. Topics include: Symbiotic Relationships of Gut Dysfunction, Mood, Immunity, Aging and Disease

- Healthy Aging (Metagenics 2015 Lifestyle Medicine Summit) (September 25-27, 2015) 24 hours - Robert Silverman, DC. Fit at 50: "Youth Potential" with Breakthrough Strategies in Epigenetic Science; Charles Heroux, DC. The Dark Side of Technologies: Minimize the Impact of EMF on Your Health with Lifestyle Medicine; Bob Rakowski, DC. Environmental Toxins are on the Attack! Science-Based Strategies to Dramatically and Rapidly Improve Patient Outcomes. Other speakers: Fabrizio Mancini, DC; Bridget Briggs, MD; Cory Rice, DO; Robert Silverman, DC; Jeffrey Bland, PhD; Olymian Dara Torres; John Troup, PhD; Charles Serhan, PhD; Dale Bredesen, MD; Oscar Franco, MD, PhD

-Chiropractic Adjusting Technique with Therapeutic Procedures (April 30, 2016) 12 hours - Dr. David Bleiler. Current Chiropractic and Therapeutic Treatment 

- Healing the New Epidemics (September 11, 2016) 8.25 hours -Presented by Richard Horowitz, MD and Kenneth Bock, MD. A focus on successful clinical interventions for Lyme Disease and various complex childhood disorders PANDAS/PANS and the “4A” Disorders (Autism, ADHD, Asthma and Allergies.)

- Demystifying Digital Motion X-rays:The Interpretation and Use of Digital Motion X-Ray in a Personal Injury Practice (October 8, 2016) 12 hours - Speaker: James M. Winberry DC

- The Neuroendocrine Immunology of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth™ (October 12, 2016) 2 hours -Dr. Joshua Redd; Dr. Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS, MNeuroSci, FACN, DACBN, DACNB, CNSA. Topics include: A systemic review of the latest literature on the exact mechanisms leading to the symptoms and signs of SIBO. The list of recommended foods to avoid for those who experience SIBO. The major mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of SIBO, including various mechanisms of malabsorption, causes of enteric nervous system degeneration, and the brain-gut axis dysregulation involving both motility and intestinal valve control

- Stress-Related Illness: Nutritional Relationships to Chiropractic Outcomes (January 27-29, 2017) 20 hours - Speakers: Dr. Dan Murphy, Dr. J. Dunn, Dr. Brandon Lundell, Dr. Don Bellgrau, Dr. Lynn Toohey, Dr. David Zava, and Stephan Ediss

Parker Seminars (January 15-18, 2004) 21 Hrs. 
- Extremity Adjusting with Mark Charrette, D.C 
- Cold Laser Therapy Technique with Brett Brimhall, D.C 
- Scoliosis with Robert Mawhiney, D.C 
- Chiropractic & the Olympic Athlete: FICS update with Tom Hyde, D.C and Tim Ray, D.C 
- New Paradigms in Acute Sports Injury Management with Jeffrey Spencer, D.C 
- Dietary Solutions to help your Patients, Your Practice, & You with Joseph Mercola, D.O 
- How to Become the Sports Injury Expert in Your Area with Alan Palmer, D.C 
- Chiropractic Neurology & Immune System Function with Dan Murphy, D.C 
- Improving Patient Outcomes: Integrating Chiro, Care & Exercise with Malik Slosberg, D.C 
- Chiropractic Research: State of Science with Anthony Rosner, P.H.D 
- The Role of Scientific Research & it’s Impact on Chiropractic with Jim Sigafoose, D.C 
- Science Validating Global Wellness Effects of Adj: Certainty for 21 with James Chestnut, D.C 
- Using Scientific Studies to Improve Skills & Expand your Practice with Ronald Rupert, D.C 2004
- ICD & CPT Insurance Codes with Documentation with KSJ Murkowski, D.C 
- Biomechanics & Subluxation: The Complete Picture with Sylvain Guimond, D.C 
- X-Ray: A Case to be Remembered with Terry Yochum, B.S, D.C, D.A.C.B.R, F.C.C.R, F.I.C.C 
- Differential Diagnosis of the Subluxation & it’s Tonal Model in Research & Torque Release Technique with Jay Holder, D.C 

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